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Ultimate Mindful

Sur-Thrival System™

Welcome to our vision, mission, and strategy for developing the Ultimate Manifestation of what we are sharing with you. It is our intention to share this information and our invitation with anyone who may be interested in participating as a collaborator, author, strategic alliance partner, sponsor, or donor to our affiliated non-profit organizations, as contributors to our forthcoming crowdfunding campaigns, and potentially as investors in our affiliated cause-oriented companies.

The Ultimate Mindfulness Sur-Thrival System TM includes books, journals, card decks, videos, online courses, and membership services from our nonprofit organization Planet Blessed and our partners. Like Planet Blessed, these new resources are being co-created by Leslie Riopel and Charles Betterton, coauthors of the Bless the Mess Mindfulness Sur-Thrival Journal and other related products.
The Bless the Mess Mindfulness Sur-Thrival Journal, now available on Amazon contains 53 unique mindfulness exercises and affirmations to help you sur-thrive in a challenging new world. The exercises in this self-discovery empowerment journal can help you bless the mess and embrace any uncertainty so you can see the magic and even the infinite possibilities around the next corner.  Just like the lotus flower blooms amongst the mud and the muck, you can as well. What you decide to seed and let grow defines who you are.

If you enjoyed this sneak peek this Journal is Available on Amazon! 

These Mindfulness Cards are beautifully designed to help you Bless the Mess and Sur-Thrive. They contain all 53 of the Bless the Mess Affirmations. The first 2 of 5 products we have already created at Make Playing Cards are already available in our MPC store at  Ultimate Destiny Land - By the way, the prices listed are only placeholder prices until we can order enough sets to reduce our costs.

If you enjoyed this sneak peek you can view our entire display of
Bless the Mess Affirmation Cards on our site.

The Bless the Mess Mindfulness Sur-Thrival Exercises and Affirmations are yet another wonderful tool and resource that can help you go from surviving to thriving. These exercises are offered in four unique quadrants, from abundance and prosperity consciousness to health and well-being to raising consciousness to empowerment and enlightenment. These beautiful inspiring cards contain all 53 of the Bless the Mess Affirmations as well as the 53 Sur-Thrival exercises.
The first 2 of 5 products we have already created at Make Playing Cards are already available in our MPC store at  Ultimate Destiny Land - By the way, the prices listed are only placeholder prices until we can order enough sets to reduce our costs. 

If you enjoyed this sneak peek you can view our entire display of Bless the Mess Affirmation Cards and Bless the Mess Sur-Thrival Exercise Cards on each of their respective pages on our site.

The beautiful mindfulness card deck is specifically designed to help you transform post-traumatic stress, anxiety and pain into peace, tranquility and stillness. 

If you enjoy this sneak peek you may view all 21 exercises and affirmations of the Mindful Sur-Thrival Guide for Managing Post-Traumatic Stress and Anxiety on their own page on our site.

DNA is "NOT" Destiny is a very unique program. These intentions are uniquely designed to activate your body's natural healing ability. Using these beautiful SMART Body Affirmations, you can learn how to awaken your body's Innate Intelligence. These lovely affirmations are offered in 7 healing categories, aligned with the body's energetic system, the chakras. This beautiful healing program also contains 7 Guided Imagery Sessions that can be used along with the SMART Body Affirmations/Intentions.

If you enjoy this sneak peek you may view all 52 SMART Body Intentions/Affirmations in the DNA is NOT Destiny page on our site.

This little mini-book is the Ultimate Mindful Sur-Thrival Guide for managing the C.R.A.P. in your life! This little gem is pocket-sized and perfect to carry around with you anywhere you go!

If you enjoy this sneak peek you may view the Ultimate Mindful Sur-Thrival Guide for Managing C.R.A.P.  page on our site.

Copy of Ultimate Sur-Thrival Book Cover.
Enjoy some of the many videos on our Planet Blessed YouTube channel from Positive News Updates, to Mindfulness and Meditation to Affirmations and Blessings.

Ultimate YOU 2.0 Course 

"Stop Feeling Stuck, Reinvent Yourself, and Become a Brand New You - a 2.0 YOU. Master the Art of Personal Transformation with Mindfulness.”
Find Out More About this Groundbreaking Course Here!
YOU 2.0 Mindfulness Program Orientation
Do you wish life came with a “do over” button? Are you in desperate need of change, but fail to act when it comes to actually changing?
  • Do you find yourself at a crossroads or going through major upheavals or changes in life?
  • Are you having trouble embracing change or blessing the mess?
  • Do you feel like your life is no longer working?
  • Do you find yourself as an empty nester?
  • Are going through a major relationship change or something like a divorce?
  • Are you contemplating a career shift or change?
  • Are you feeling drawn towards another way of life or an alternative lifestyle?
  • Are you feeling stuck or desperate?
  • Are you struggling with something that feels overwhelming?
If so, you may be ready to embark on the Version 2.0 Journey. If you resonate with any of this, you are going to love this unique mindfulness program.


“You 2.0 – How to Stop Feeling Stuck, Reinvent Yourself, and Become a Brand New You. Mastering the Art of Personal Transformation with Mindfulness.”


Making big changes in life is not often easy. Everyone struggles with this at some point. If you find yourself feeling complacent in life or feel like making improvements is a chore, you might want to consider embarking on that 2.0 journey.


If you have ever wondered what a 2.0 version of yourself would look like, feel like or act like or ever found yourself wondering what your life would have been like if you had taken a different path or chosen something differently, this program has all the tools you need to figure that out. In other words, sometimes it’s necessary to embark on that 2.0 journey.


If you are ready to embark on that 2.0 life, you are most likely at a point in life where you are experiencing some kind of upheaval or major challenge.


Version 2.0 pulls you when you are ready for some kind of major pivot or transformation in life. It’s uncomfortable for many of us. In these times of change, many of us find ourselves in turmoil and upheaval. We have had to take steps to redefine who we are and where we are going.


If you are struggling, you may feel a strong desire to move in a more fulfilling direction that aligns more closely with your life’s purpose and your dream and goals. This may also feel like an irresistible pull or tug or feel like an itch you need to scratch.


If there is something in your life you’ve always talked about doing, but never acted upon, you may be ready to embark on your version 2.0.

Meet The Team

Mindful Surthrival Logo with Floral Elem

Read More About Our Sur-Thrival Story Here 

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