“If You Want to Achieve Greatness, Stop Asking Permission!”
Have you ever wondered what a 2.0 version of yourself would look like, feel like or act like? Have you ever found yourself wondering “what if?” In other words, what if I didn’t struggle so much with money, or what if my relationships weren’t so stressful?
What if I had chosen another path? What if I hadn’t made so many mistakes? What if I had started my own business and felt confident doing so? How would my life be different?
What does it mean to live a 2.0 life, you might ask? Many of us find ourselves stuck in our 1.0 version, especially in times of upheaval and turmoil.
Some of us may spend our entire lives as that 1.0 persona. While that may be perfectly fine for some people, others wonder how they can rise up out of the struggle and move into a different version of themselves.
In other words, sometimes it’s necessary to embark on that 2.0 journey.
Making big changes in life is not often easy. Everyone struggles with this at some point. If you find yourself feeling complacent in life or feel like making improvements is a chore, you might want to consider embarking on that 2.0 journey.
“You Can Find an Excuse, or You Can Find a Way.”
Do You Feel Pulled Towards that 2.0 Life?
Those who are ready to embark on that 2.0 life, are most likely at a point in life where they are experiencing some kind of upheaval or major challenge.
Version 2.0 pulls you when you are ready for some kind of major pivot or transformation in life. It’s uncomfortable for many of us. In these times of change, many of us find ourselves in turmoil and upheaval. We have had to take steps to redefine who we are and where we are going.
If you are struggling, you may feel a strong desire to move in a more fulfilling direction that aligns more closely with your life’s purpose and your dream and goals.
This may also feel like an irresistible pull or tug or feel like an itch you need to scratch.
If there is something in your life you’ve always talked about doing, but never acted upon, you may be ready to embark on your version 2.0.
The truth is, change shouldn’t be such a struggle. We shouldn’t ever feel complacent or stuck in life. We shouldn’t settle for an average life. We should be consistently working to better ourselves.
Are you ready to pivot onto the 2.0 path?
You may be ready to embark on the version 2.0 journey if you find yourself:
Going through some major upheavals or changes in life.
Find yourself at a crossroads.
You’re having trouble embracing change or blessing the mess.
Feel that your life is no longer working.
Find yourself as an empty nester.
Going through a major relationship change or something like a divorce.
Contemplating a career shift or change.
Feel drawn towards another way of life or alternative lifestyle.
Feel stuck.
Feel desperate.
Are currently struggling with something that feels overwhelming.
You’ve reached a point of no return. Life is no longer working.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” - Lao Tzu.
Embarking on that 2.0 journey is NOT easy. I have been walking on this road for longer than I care to admit. It can feel like being stuck on a rollercoaster. It’s scary but it can also be exciting and thrilling if you can learn to bless the mess and embrace change.
If your journey feels anything like mine, you are more than ready to live your 2.0 life. The key is starting small. You cannot often make major life changes instantaneously. However, sometimes, making one small shift in one area of life is all you need to get all of the other areas moving.
It’s important to recognize that the 2.0 version of yourself is based solely on your vision of where you want to be. It’s not based on anyone else’s vision.
You are 100% in control and in the driver’s seat of your life. Don’t waste time agonizing over what other people think. This is what keeps us stuck.
You need to be happy with the goal or goals you are setting out to achieve. The new improved 2.0 version of you isn’t going to just magically appear one day. It’s a journey. It takes some work. It takes some effort.
We feel so passionate about helping people on their 2.0 journey that we are in the process of creating our very own course.
"Living Your 2.0 Life"
If you are ready to bless the mess and step into a more empowered, successful, vibrant, and much more authentic version of YOU, you are going to love this program.
Version 2.0 is the next best version of yourself. It’s YOU living your best life, your 2.0 life.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new course still in the works!