Leslie Riopel, MA Psychology
Much of the beautiful content Leslie and Charles co-create is inspired by “spirit” within meditation.
Both Charles and Leslie are committed to walking a spiritual path. Much if not all of the content they joyfully co-create comes from this divine flow and spiritual intention and connection. Leslie and Charles are honored they were chosen to co-create these beautiful inspiring resources together.
Like the Yin and the Yang, Leslie and Charles are often at opposite ends of the spectrum, playfully arguing their points. Charles likes to THINK BIG, and Leslie prefers a simpler path, often striving to narrow the scope down. This creative complexity only serves to make the products, programs, and services even richer!
Leslie and Charles are committed to Universal StewardHeirShip (Spirit * Service * Stewardship * Sustainability) and continuing to bring the creative vision forth and there are always new products in development.
Leslie Riopel is a creative soul and a sur-thriver at heart. Her journey has taken her many places, from a devastating job loss to learning the skills of mindfulness and meditation to help her awaken to her ultimate destiny - creating programs, publications, and organizations that help individuals, organizations, and communities transform into their more Ultimate 2.0 as they fulfill more of their inherent potential.
Leslie has a master's degree in Psychology and has been writing about and studying mindfulness for over a decade. Leslie also has experience as a Psychology Professor and her unique blend of experience in Real Estate, Mindfulness, and Psychology has allowed her to focus on fostering healthy workplaces that thrive. Leslie is also a freelance writer, published author, and an authority in the psychology of mindfulness and has over 11 years of experience in the wellness industry as a writer and editor. Leslie's work is centered around mindfulness, meditation, and healing via the smartbody.
Leslie has created a multitude of products, programs, and services in the health and wellness and mindfulness genre over the last several years. In addition to her work creating mindfulness programs, she also specializes in writing and recording guided meditations and hypnotherapy scripts.
Leslie’s Mission is Simple - To Help Others as She Helps Herself.
Leslie is the creator of PlanetBlessed.org and the CEO of the SMART Heart-Mind-Body Foundation as well as the creator of smartbodygreen.com.
Planet Blessed is all about blessing the mess and sur-thriving in the new normal and learning how to adapt, change and grow in a challenging new world.
Smartbodygreen is dedicated to providing products, programs, and services to increase awareness of the smartbody via mindfulness-based healing practices.
The SMART Heart-Mind-Body Foundation's primary mission is to bridge the gap and help people understand the role our emotions play in terms of healing and overcoming chronic disease. The foundation was created to help educate and inspire people on a global level about the significant role the innate SMART Body plays in terms of the healing process.
https://www.planetblessed.org/ Planet Blessed.org
https://www.pinterest.com/blessthemesssurthrivaljournal/boards/ Pinterest
Smartbodygreen.com Company/Foundation Website
Leslieriopel.com Leslie's Personal Website
Insighttimer App Insight Timer App Profile Page (insig.ht/leslieriopel)
Amazon Author Leslie's Amazon Author Page
Leslie Riopel can be reached at Leslie.Riopel@fuse.net